Leahurst Nurseries
Lyndon Osborn | Garden, Landscaping and Plant Specialist

Lyndon Osborn
Landscaper - Nurseryman
A Kiwi by birth, Lyndon started his career working with various environmental agencies in New Zealand. After moving to the UK over thirty years ago, Lyndon has become an accomplished nurseryman and landscaper, working with a number of renowned garden designers, on a wide variety of projects.
Lyndon has built up Leahurst Nurseries, a wonderful, eclectic boutique nursery, in North London. Described as a ‘hidden gem’, the nursery has existed on its current site for over sixty-five years. Lyndon and his family run the nursery, offering a peaceful and relaxed environment for visitors. The nursery stocks a diverse and eclectic range of plants. What has always been recognised by customers is that Leahurst Nurseries is the providence of most of the plants - grown and sold locally in London. These plants make the nursery, as well as Lyndon’s stall at the renowned Columbia Road Flower Market, a must see for true plant enthusiasts.