Finally as the year draws to a close we are going to do our first blog. It has been one rollercoaster of a year. From the early promise of spring to the arrival of a virus that is not plant related - it all seemed rather surreal.
With a new season, we all were excited with the plants that we had in stock. During lockdown, we had one of the greatest gardens in London to wander round - but no one to share the beautiful plants with. It was a very productive time on the nursery. With Tarn and Adelaide away at university/college, Leigh and I stayed on the nursery as 'seasonal workers' in our trusty caravan. We potted up, pricked out and restocked the long border and outside areas.


After months of very little contact with the outside world, Adelaide and Tarn arrived back home - we were then thrown into the world of social media. We advertised on Barnet Nextdoor and other pages that we were open to deliveries. Subsequently, pursuant to government regulations, we opened Leahurst up to socially distanced visitors. What a delight!
It was great to be reunited with the community and after seeing our posts on Barnet Nextdoor we had people who had gone to nursery within a 50 mile radius and were shocked to find a beautiful nursery as ours on their doorstep.
With all that has gone on the last few months, one thing I have learned is horticulture seems to be reasonably recession proof. It was also positive to see many people fall in love with their gardens again with their new found time.
As the season goes on - time to plan for 2021!